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简介1.高考英语改错常见考点有哪些《高中英语语法-英语陷阱题4例之三》由留学liuxue86.com我整理。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。 英语陷阱题4例之三 析:if和whether都可以表示?是否?,但if不能用于引导主语从句、表语从句和同位语从句,这时只能用whether。 11.误:The Anti-Japanese War was broken out in






11.误:The Anti-Japanese War was broken out in 1937.

正:The Anti-Japanese War broke out in 1937.

析:只有及物动词或作及物动词的动词短语才能变为被动语态。而arrive,become,die,lie,end,happen,take place等作不及物动词,均不可变为被动语态。

12.误:I will do all I can help you.

正:I will do all I can to help you.

析:do all one can+to do sth(尽某人所能去做某事)中的one can是定语从句修饰all,从句中省略了动词do,to do sth是不定式作目的状语。

1.?Tomorrow ____ my birthday. I?d like you and Jane to come.

? I?m not sure if she ____ free.

A. will be;is B. is going to;is

C. is;is D. is;will be

错解 选C,认为应该用一般现在时表示一般将来时。

分析 这里涉及一个概念问题。状语从句中,常用一般现在时表示一般将来时,如:If it rains tomorrow, I won?t go to the park. 但这并不适用于其他从句。比如宾语从句:I wonder when he will come here. 主语从句:That he will come is certain. 同位语从句:He expressed the wish that he would like to come again the next year.等等,上述从句都可以用将来时。本句中,if引导的是宾语从句,是可以用一般将来时的。正确答案为 D。

2.? Why does Linda know so much about Eiffel Tower?

? She ____ have been there,or...

A. must B. could C. can D. should

错解 选B,因为后面有or,表示?或者?,表明语气的不确定性。

分析 这里有个最关键的单词or,它如果是表示?或者?,则该句子没有理由省略后面的内容,这时,就要考虑到or还有另外一层含义?否则?,相当于:She must have been there, or she can?t know so much about it.她一定去过那儿,否则(她不可能了解得那么清楚)。省去上句问题中的重复部分。正确答案应为A。

3.? Have a good Women?s Day, mom.

?Thanks. What a nice girl? _______.

A. You?re welcome B. That?s all right

C. It?s kind of you to say so D. The same to you

错解 选C,认为她女儿还年轻,不能称之为woman,因此不能过Women?s Day? 所以选C而不选D。

分析 该题考查的是交际用语。A项和B项是针对对方说Thank you 或Thanks的答语。 C项与上文What a nice girl重复。D项 The same to you (也祝你节日快乐)比较恰当,而上句中的girl,不一定非译成?女孩?,可以理解成?女儿?,相当于daughter。正确答案为D。

4.? Hey, look where you?re going?

?Oh, ____.

A. I am not noticing B. that?s all right

C. I don?t mean to do it D. I?m terribly sorry

错解 选A,与上句时态一致。

分析 该题若选A,应表示短暂的过去进行概念,应为I was not noticing; B表示?不用谢?;C项语气不好,不礼貌,时态也不对,应改成:I?m sorry, I didn?t mean to do it.正确答案为D。

1.误:My brother,that you met in Bejing? has bought a new car.

正:My brother,whom you met in Bejing? has bought a new car.


2.误:All what he said is true. 《高中英语语法-英语陷阱题4例之三》由留学liuxue86.com我整理



易错点1 名词的单复数形式的误判

典例 —What do you think the should do first?

—They should learn to take as well as share rights in life.

A. grown-up; responsibility B. growns-up; responsibility

C. grown-ups; responsibilities D. growns-ups; responsibilities

错因分析 有些考生以为grown是复合名词的中心词,其复数形式应该在grown后面加-s;另一方面认为responsibility是不可数名词,没有复数形式,从而错选B。其实,grown-up没有中心名词,其复数形式应该在up后面加\|s;同时根据语境可知,responsibility指义务,该单词作"义务,职责"讲时,可作可数名词或不可数名词,故正确答案选C。

复合名词的复数形式一般在中心名词后面加\|s,如:looker-on → lookers-on, son-in-law → sons-in-law;但是当复合名词没有中心名词时,其复数形式是在最后的词后面加-s,如:grown-up → grown-ups; go-between → go-betweens。

易错点2 名词的格的误用

典例 —Look! This is .

—Very beautiful. When did she take it?

A. my mother’s picture B. my mother in the picture

C. a picture of my mother D. a picture of my mother’s

错因分析 考生可能受汉语思维的影响,错选A或B;也可能受英语双重所有格的影响,错选D。根据语境可知,正确答案选C。

my mother’s picture,意为"我妈妈所拥有的照片",暗含"照片上不一定是我妈妈"; a picture of my mother’s意为"我妈妈所拥有的照片中的一张",同样,暗含"照片上不一定是我妈妈"; a picture of my mother意为"我妈妈的照片(照片中是妈妈)";my mother in the picture意为"照片中我的妈妈",暗含"不是真实的妈妈"。

易错点3 名词作定语的误用

典例 —Where does your sister work, Jack?

—She works in a .

A. shop of cloth B. cloth’s shop

C. shop with clothes D. clothes shop

错因分析 有些考生会因为对名词作定语的用法运用不当而错选B。其实,clothes"服装"只有复数形式,而单数形式"布店"应用shop for cloth或cloth shop,因此,根据语境可知,正确答案选D。

名词作定语时一般用其单数形式,然而,名词parents, clothes, sports等,作定语时必须要使用其复数形式。另外,man, woman作定语时,如果中心词是单数,则用其单数形式;如果中心词是复数,则用其复数形式。

易错点4 对不可数名词的应用判断失误

典例 —I find it very difficult to read novel you lent me last week.

—Yes. It’s necessary to have good knowledge of history.

A. the;不填 B. a;不填 C. the; a D. a; a

错因分析 考生可能以为第一空是特指对方上周所借给"我"的小说,故应填定冠词;第二空后面是抽象名词,为不可数名词,不填冠词,于是错选A。然而,此处knowledge之前须用不定冠词,have a good knowledge of意为"对……很了解",是固定搭配,故正确答案选C。

英语中,有些抽象名词,如knowledge, history, failure, success, help, pleasure, surprise, honour等表示抽象概念时,其前面不用不定冠词,如:with pleasure, in surprise等。但是,当表示具体的概念时,其前面须用不定冠词,也可以用其复数形式。

易错点5 对专有名词的应用判断失误

典例 —Do you know Li Ming?

—Li Ming? Which one? I know Li Ming in our class very well. He is Lei Feng of our times.

A. 不填;不填 B. a; a C. a; the D. the; the

错因分析 有些考生可能以为两个空后面的名词都是人名,前面不用冠词,于是错选A。然而,联系语境可知,答话者至少认识两个李明,而特指他班上的那个李明时前面须用定冠词;后一空的Lei Feng由of our times修饰,说明是我们时代的特征,须用定冠词,故正确答案选D。

人名前面加定冠词,指特定的某个人或某个人的主要特征。地名前面一般不用定冠词,但是当指特定某时期的地方或某地的主要特征时,须用定冠词。如:China → the China (of) today; America → the America of last century; the New York of China等。表姓氏的复数名词前面用定冠词表示夫妇两人或全家人,如:the Greens。

易错点6 定冠词与不定冠词判断失误

典例 —When did you meet her last?

—I don’t remember exactly, but I’m sure it was Friday when I went to the shop to buy football.

A. a; a B. 不填;a C. the;不填 D. 不填;不填

错因分析 有些考生可能认为这两个空后面的名词前都不用冠词,从而错选D。其实,指一个特定的星期几时前面须用不定冠词;表示一个足球时,前面也须用不定冠词,故正确答案选A。


易错点7 冠词与零冠词应用判断失误

典例 —What do you think is the difference between man and woman?

—I don’t think there’s any difference.

A. the; the B. a; a C. 不填;不填 D. a; the

错因分析 有些考生可能认为,表示类别时,名词前面须用不定冠词或定冠词,于是错选A或B。其实,man, woman, mankind的单数表示类别时,用零冠词。因此,正确答案选 C。

除了上述情况用零冠词外,下列几种情况也须用零冠词:表示家人(包括保姆、厨师、家庭教师在内)的名词前,但该类名词的首字母往往大写;表示种类的短语kind of, sort of, type of等后面的名词之前;在as / though引导的倒装让步状语从句中,放在句首的名词前;用by表示交通方式的短语中等。

易错点8 受思维定式的制约

典例 —Remember that where and when two different English question words.

—I see, but can you tell us how to use them, sir?

A. be B. is C. are D. being

错因分析 有些考生没有弄清题意,就想当然地认为用where and when提问时,谓语动词用单数形式,于是错选B。其实,这里是指where和when这两个特殊疑问词,故正确答案选 C。


易错点9 典型数词的误用


It is not rare in that people in fifties are going to university for further education.

A. 90s;the B. the 90s;/ C. 90s;their D. the 90s;their

错因分析 考生很可能错选B或C。"世纪"和"年代"均为特指概念,故第一个空要用定冠词the,表示特指,如:in the 1980s/1980’s(在20世纪80年代),in the 90s/90’s(在90年代),选项A和C首先被排除;又因为"in one’s+整十的基数词的复数形式"为一个固定的结构,意为"在某人几十多岁时",故 D为本题的正确答案。


易错点10 it 用作形式主语及形式宾语时判断失误

典例 I would appreciate if you could come and help me with my work.

A. that B. it C. this D. one

错因分析 很多考生认为this或that可以指代上文或下文所出现的内容,于是误选A或C。其实,用于指代后面整个句子的内容且作形式宾语时,只能用it,于是正确答案选 B。

在英语中,有些动词,如:appreciate, hate, like, dislike, make, put等后面不能直接跟从句,而要用it作形式宾语。

易错点11 it, one, that, those, ones等的用法区别

典例 —Would you like to buy a car here?

—Yes, but I’d like to buy made in Shanghai.

A. one B. that C. it D. this

错因分析 许多考生认为此处应该用it或that指代说话双方所说的车,于是误选B或C。根据语境可知,上海制造了许多小汽车,答话者只想买其中的一辆,故正确答案选 A。


错点12 the other(s), other(s), another, the rest等的用法区别

典例 I have done much of the work. Could you please finish in two days?

A. the rest B. the other C. another D. the others

错因分析 本题考生易误选D项。其实本题是对the rest用法的考查。选项B、 C均修饰可数名词,选项D相当于"the other+可数名词复数"结构,这三个选项用在本题中都不合适。the rest指代名词时,既可以指代可数名词复数,也可以指代不可数名词。在本题中,the rest指代不可数名词,相当于the rest of the work,故选项 A为本题的正确答案。

当the rest作主语时,谓语动词单复数的使用要由the rest所指代的内容来决定。

易错点13 同级比较的用法易错点


Nowadays the roles of husband and wife are not as defined as before, especially when both partners work and earn money for the family.

A.clear B.clearer C.clearly D.more clearly

错因分析 考生易分辨不清词性而误选A项。根据语法知识可知,as... as... 为同级比较结构,as与as之间要用形容词或副词的原级,故选项B和D首先被排除;又由于此处defined作动词,它要用副词来修饰,故选项 C为本题的正确答案。

在高考英语中,同级比较问题是一个常考点。其结构为:"so/as+玜dj./adv.(原级)+as...",其中的so... as... 结构只能用于否定结构中;而as... as... 结构既可以用于肯定结构中,又可以用于否定结构中,如:

She isn’t as/so nice as her sister. 她不像她姐姐那么好。

易错点14 形容词和副词的一些固定用法的误用

典例—Have you been to New Zealand?

—No. I’d like to, .

A.too B.though C.yet D.either

错因分析 分析句意可知,横线处应填一个表示转折关系的词,选项A和D首先被排除;yet表示转折关系时,后应接一个从句,故选 B项。


Though/Although they are poor, they are generous.尽管他们很穷,但他们很慷慨。


易错点15 几个情态动词的特殊用法易错点

典例 Don’t play with the dog, Jack, for it be dangerous at times.

A. shall B. should C. can D. must

错因分析 很多考生认为玩狗将很危险或者肯定很危险,从而误选A或D。其实,shall用于第二、三人称表示"允许,命令,警告,威胁"等;should表示"应该";must表示"必须,一定"等;而can除了表示"能,能够"外,还可表示"(有时)会,可能会"等。根据语境及情态动词的意义比较可知,正确答案选 C。




典例 — you read the story?

—Yes. I it at school.

A. Have; read B. Did; read

C. Have; have read D. Did; have read

错因分析 有些考生认为,两个人说话时,所用的时态应该是一致的,于是误选B或C。其实,问话者指的是结果,而答话者虽然强调的是地点,但是地点暗示动作发生在过去,于是正确答案选 A。


(1)表示过去时间的词或短语:yesterday, last night, last week, this morning, in 2006等。

(2)表示动作发生的地点:at home/school, in the factory, on one’s way to等。

易错点17 动词的一般过去时与过去进行时误用?

典例—What did you do last night?

—I my homework but nothing else. ?

A. did B. was doing C. has done D. had done?

错因分析 有些考生看到上文提及的时间状语last night,马上想到用过去时,于是误选A。其实,从后面的信息"but nothing else"可以看出,回话者强调昨晚一直在做作业,于是正确答案选B。?


I read the story last night. 我昨晚看了这个故事。?

I was reading the story last night. 我昨晚一直在看这个故事。?

易错点18 忽视标志性的时间状语?

典例—I don’t suppose the police know who did it.?

—Well, surprisingly they do. A man has been arrested and now.? A.has been questioned B.is being questioned?

C.is questioning D.has questioned?

错因分析 考生易误选A项,认为题目中的and为一个并列连词,与其前面的时态应该一致。由题目中的标志性时间状语now可知,横线处应用进行时态,又由于动词question与主语a man之间为动宾关系,故选项B为本题的正确答案。?


My cousin went to Canada two years ago. He worked there for a few months and then went to America.?

我堂兄两年前去了加拿大。他在那里工作了几个月,然后去了美国。? 但有时须根据具体的语境来判断(如本题)。?

易错点19 主动语态与被动语态误用?

典例It’s said that a car accident on the highway this morning. ?

A. happens B. happened ?

C. was happened D. has been happened?

错因分析 有些考生认为,物作主语时,句子用被动语态,于是误选C。其实,happen为不及物动词,没有被动形式,故正确答案选B。?

在英语中,不及物动词,如:happen, occur, take place等不能用于被动语态。此外,有些及物动词,如:sell, read, write, wash等可用作不及物动词,主动形式后接副词作状语,表示事物的性质、状况等。如:?

The passage reads easily. 这篇文章容易读。?

易错点20 忽视逻辑关系和语境关系?

典例I in London for many years, but I’ve never regretted my final decision to move back to China.?

A.lived B.was living C.have lived D.had lived?

错因分析 考生很容易误选C项,这是因为考生不了解一般过去时态与现在完成时态的区别。若用C项,原句则表示"目前(说话时),人还在伦敦居住",但这与but分句句意"但到目前为止我也没有后悔最终回国的决定"相矛盾。而选项A表示"过去在伦敦住了多年,现在已经不在那里了",故正确答案为A。?


易错点21 其他一些结构的误用?

典例Sarah, hurry up. I’m afraid you won’t have time to before the party.?

A. get changed B.get change

C.get changing D.get to change?

错因分析 考生很有可能误选D项。在英语中,除了可以用be构成被动语态,也可以用get来构成被动语态,这里的get changed相当于get dressed,意为?"换?衣服"。故答案为A项。get done在很多时候还可以表示不好的事情。例如:?

Be careful when you cross this very busy street. If not, you may get run over by a car.?

易错点22 意义相近的结构混用?

典例He told us an interesting story about himself, why he didn’t succeed that time. ?

A. explain B. to explain C. explained D. explaining?

错因分析 很多考生会认为此处应用不定式结构表示目的,从而误选B。其实,考生没有注意到前后两部分间的逗号,逗号后面部分表示一种伴随状况。正确答案为D项。?


I hurried to the airport, (only) to find that the plane had taken off. ?


He was working very hard last year, passing the test successfully. ?


易错点23 连词与分词的连用错误?

典例Children will work actively if . ?

A. praise B. praised C. praising D. to praise?

错因分析 有些考生会认为if后要用动词-ing形式,或用不定式表示还未发生的行为,于是误选C或D。其实,这是条件状语从句的省略形式,根据主语与动词的关系可知,孩子们受到表扬,于是正确答案选B。?


The old man will be very excited when talking (=he is talking) about his past experiences. She will be unhappy if (she is) criticized. ?

易错点24 with复合结构?

典例With his work on time, he felt very excited. ?

A. to be finished B. to finish C. finishing D. finished?

错因分析 许多考生会认为,"工作"与"完成"之间为动宾关系,从而误选A。其实,不定式表示要做的事情,而过去分词表示已经完成的事情。根据句子内容可知,工作已经完成,于是正确答案选D。?

在"with + n + 非谓语动词"结构中,非谓语动词可以是不定式、动词-ing形式、动词-ed形式等。不定式主动形式表被动意义,暗含将要做的事情;动词-ing形式表示名词发出的动作;动词-ed形式表示名词承受的动作,暗含过去已经完成。如:?

With so much work to do, I’m afraid I can’t go to your party.?

With Li Ping helping me, I finished my work on time. ?

With his pen lost, he borrowed one from me. ?

易错点25 逻辑主语的判断错误?

典例In order to improve English, .?

A. Jenny’s father bought her a lot of tapes?

B. Jenny bought a lot of tapes for herself?

C. a lot of tapes were bought by Jenny?

D. a lot of tapes were bought by Jenny’s father?

错因分析 考生很有可能误选A项或D项。其实,in order to improve English可以看成是to improve English的变形,根据语法知识可知,主句的主语为人,选项C和D可以首先被排除。再由句意可知,选项B为正确答案。?动词不定式的逻辑主语为执行不定式to do这个动作的人或物。动词不定式的逻辑主语可以是句子的主语、宾语,有时还可以是介词for或of的宾语。如:?

Jack is late again. It is typical of him to keep others waiting.

易错点26 独立主格结构的判断错误?

典例Seeing her father, the little girl ran to him, her schoolbag behind her.

A. flying B. flew C. to fly D. was flying?

错因分析 有些考生会把后面部分当做一个句子,而句子缺少谓语动词,于是误选B或D。其实,前后两部分之间是逗号,说明后面部分不是句子。然而,选项C表示还未发生的动作,显然与语境不符,因此正确答案选A。?在英语中,一般说来,非谓语动词作状语时,其逻辑主语就是句子的主语。如果它的逻辑主语不是句子的主语,就必须在其非谓语动词之前加上适当的名词或代词。这样,"名词或代词+非谓语动词"就构成了独立主格结构,在句子中作状语。



One of their first model was the Silver


We have spent several precious weekend

in learning in the English Club.

All over the world men and woman, boys

and girls enjoy sports.

And that knowledges could change my


There are advantage for students to work

while studying at school.

But one and a half year later, I now

think English is fun to learn.

We’re leaving for our hometowns to spend

the winter vacations.



is a real good chance to have met you here.


is not too badly as long as I watch it with my dad!


examinations and in certain kinds of written work, it is dishonest and

foolishly to help or to ask help from others.


looked at me serious and said, “It’s bad to tell lies!”


throw a coin as far as possibly.


was complete dead, and I was a few miles far away from anywhere on a cold, wet




is not surprising that the Silver Ghost was regarded “the best car in the



would have to ask their parents for money or for permission to do things by the



I just checked the results because I thought it was dull to watch a game in

which players kicked a ball each other.


found the game exciting and my dad explained for the rules.


for the most wonderful thing about Jack was his musical ability.


writing to thank you with your kind help.


didn’t have to walk far before I found a small house standing on a field with a

light shining from the sitting room.


you so much for your party at Christmas Eve.


leaving from our hometowns to spend the winter vacation.


you join in the tourist group organized by our school?



have made a great progress.


people enjoy sports by watching the others play.


would greet us in a tree outside our bedroom, calling “Hello” as we lay in bed

in a morning.


hope you have had wonderful journey home.


was a high school student then, from low-income family.



is not surprising that the Silver Ghost was regarded as “the best car in the



the foreign teachers here work hard and try his best to make the activities

lively and interesting.


may be very hard to do and you certainly need a lot of will-power to succeed.


students may also save up for our college or future use.


I just checked the results because I thought that was dull to watch a game in

which players kicked a ball to each other.


first one job was to clean the tables in a small restaurant.


I came to understand that was not easy to earn money.



Rolls, a car maker, was very interested in Royce’s car, and soon Rolls and

Royce go into business together.


wasn’t worried about it until I go to see the doctor.


long ago, many adults and children called their friends together to spend

hours, even days playing games.


of them was that they can earn money.


was not quite willing to sit down and watched the 90-minute football match.


the World Cup in 2002, my dad stays up late just to watch his favorite sport.


named him Jack and keep him for about three years.


the most wonderful thing about Jack were his musical ability.


am very pleased to say that all of us greatly improved our English so much.


their own money allow them to spend on anything as they please.


fun with their friends make them happy.



1907, a Silver Ghost broke the world’s record by drive 14,371 miles without

breaking down once.


the foreign teachers here work hard and try their best to make the activities

lively and interested.


you’re on a diet you have to stop eat too much even though you are always



long ago, many adults and children have called their friends together to spend

hours, even days play games.


other words, they help to keep people strong and feel good.


found the game excited and my dad explained the rules.


still remember going there early and felt anxious about the new world.


would also catch the food throwing to him from the other side of the room and

sing happily.


didn’t have to walk far before I found a small house standing in a field with a

light shine from the sitting room.


knocked at the door and was delighting when a pleasant man opened the door and

listened to my story carefully.


are busy prepare for our trips.



liked the dishes you had cooked but we were happy to learn the English songs

you taught us.


Rolls, a car maker, was very interested in Royce’s car, but soon Rolls and

Royce went into business together.


knocked at the door and was delighted when a pleasant man opened the door but

listened to my story carefully.


told me that I’d probably have a heart attack while I started eating less.


all people like to work and everyone likes to play.


一、1.models? 2.

weekends 3. women 4. knowledge? 5. advantages

6. years? 7. vacation

二、1. really2. badly 3. foolish 4. seriously 5. possible? 6. completely

三、1. regarded as 2. with the money 3. to each other? 4. explained the rules 5. But the most 6. for your kind help 7. in a filed 8. on Christmas Eve? 9. leaving for 10. join the tourist group


great progress 2. watching others 3. in the morning? 4. had a wonderful journey 5. from a low-income family

五、1. It is not?2. try their best? 3. It may

be? 4. for their college 5. I thought it was dull? 6. My first job? 7. it was not easy

六、1. went into business 2. went to see 3. children have called 4. one of them is that? 5. watch6. stayed 7. kept 8. was?9. all of us have greatly? 10.

allows 11. makes?

七、1. driving2. interesting 3. eating 4. playing 5. feeling6. exciting 7. feeling 8. thrown? 9. shining 10. delighted 11. preparing

八、1. and we were happy? 2. and soon 3. and listened to? 4. unless I started? 5. but everyone

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